• Clearing a path
  • Always ready
  • Advanced Life Support skills
  • Promoting Paramedics

Chapter Structure

The Ontario Paramedic Association is proud to be comprised of multiple chapters across Ontario that represent the unique geographical interests of paramedics and the patients we advocate for.

It is important for paramedics to take ownership of their profession by being a part of our national hierarchy with over 22,000 members across the country. These paramedics fall under the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Ontario Paramedic Association and our respected local chapters.

We acknowledge thousands of paramedics for their continuous support.

Mandate of Professional Associations

The mandate of professional associations is to advocate for patients and paramedics. 

The Ontario Paramedic Association is the only corporation in Ontario that is 100% owned by paramedics, 100% operated by paramedics and that 100% advocates for paramedics. The OPA is recognized by government, media and all official stakeholders as the provincial voice of frontline paramedics. The OPA is not a labour union and we have a bylaw that specifically prevents the OPA from engaging in any labour issues. It is the role of the unions to represent members through grievance & arbitration, oversee workplace health & safety and negotiate collective agreements.

The Ontario Paramedic Association respects the mandate of our paramedic unions and acknowledges that our profession can be stronger when we have unions and professional associations maintaining supportive relationships with one another.

About Membership Dues

The paramedic associations conduct pre-authorized debits with one dozen different memberships options based on how you are involved in paramedicine. As a matter of professional integrity and code of ethical conduct, it is important that members choose the correct plan that best protects them. We have the following member types embedded in our bylaws:

  • Full Paramedic (includes Educators)
  • Associate (Non-Voting Paramedics, Communications Officers, Logistics, Support Staff and Admin)
  • Alumni/Retired
  • Student Members

NOTE: Only Full Paramedic members have voting rights. 

As part of our “choose your dues” strategy to offer more value and options to our members, we have choices such as monthly payments, annual payments, “with Legal Protection” (which we recommend) and “no Legal Protection” (which offer savings). 

No Legal Protection

  • Full Paramedic (No Legal Protection) - $24/month (save $8/month or $96/year)
  • Associate (No Legal Protection) - $21/month (save $8/month or $96/year)
  • Alumni/Retired (No Legal Protection) - $16/month (save $16/month or $192/year)
  • Student (No Legal Protection) - $16/month (save $16/month or $192/year)

With Paramedic Legal Protection (PLP)

  • Full Paramedic (with Legal Protection) - $24/month + $8/month PLP (best)
  • Associate (with Legal Protection) - $21/month  + $8/month PLP (best)
  • Alumni/Retired (with Legal Protection) - $16/month  + $8/month PLP (best)

Important Notices

  • Annual amounts are also available
  • Associate includes Non-voting Paramedics, Communications Officers, Logistics, Support Staff and Admin
  • Paramedic Legal Protection is not Medical Malpractice Insurance (see our home page for more info)

Members will receive their membership package, OPA magazine, windshield sticker, paramedic stickers, pens and official member certificate in the mail.

1) Startup Chapters

Startup Chapters must have at least 5 members but not more than 12 members.

Paramedic Legal Protection for Startup Chapters is registered under the OPA's policy number.

Startup Chapters are defined as committees of the OPA that operate under the authority, policy and governance models of the OPA during the formative stages of the chapter. The Startup Chapter is fully supported by the OPA which will handle all coaching, mentoring, training and startup business processes on their behalf.

The OPA collects dues on behalf of Startup Chapters at the prescribed Paramedic, Associate, Alumni/Retired and Student dues rates. The membership dues consist of Chapter Dues, OPA Dues, Paramedic Legal Protection (PLP) at $8/month (when selected), Paramedic Association of Canada and Canadian Paramedicine Magazine. The OPA will secure a Corporate Partnership to begin funding a Secondary Chapter website that is part of the OPA matrix and that will provide members with access to their benefits. The OPA handles all business processes for Secondary Chapters.

Startup Chapter Revenue

The OPA collects Membership Dues on behalf of Startup Chapters. 

There is no billing or crediting for Startup Chapters as this is intended to be a very short period. The goal is to establish a chapter committee and secure fundraising order to launch a Secondary Chapter. 

The OPA is responsible for onboarding a Startup Chapter until the OPA is ready to launch their website and announce the new Secondary Chapter.

2) Secondary Chapters

Secondary Chapters must have at least 12 members but not more than 120 members. 

Secondary Chapters are defined as committees of the OPA that operate under the authority, policy and governance models of the OPA. The Secondary Chapter is fully supported by the OPA and have access to their own budget. The OPA collects member dues on behalf of the Secondary Chapter. The membership dues consist of Chapter Dues, OPA Dues, Paramedic Legal Protection (when selected), Paramedic Association of Canada and Canadian Paramedicine Magazine. 

The OPA is responsible for maintaining all financial records and then remitting bimonthly payments into a separate account that is maintained on behalf of the Secondary Chapter. The OPA handles business processes for Secondary Chapters.

Secondary Chapter Dues

Secondary Chapters will have the OPA collect Membership Dues on their behalf through the OPA’s Pre-Authorized Debit system. The OPA retains the base cost of all memberships ($12/month), except for Alumni/Retired Members (of which the full amount is remitted to the Secondary Chapter). 

The OPA pays the cost of the Paramedic Legal Protection ($8/month) for members of Secondary Chapters. 

The OPA remits bimonthly payments to the Secondary Chapter in following amounts:

  • Full Paramedic Members (WITH PLP) - $11/month (x 2 months)
  • Associate Members (WITH PLP) - $8/month (x 2 months) 
  • Alumni/Retired Members (WITH PLP) - $11/month (x 2 months) 
  • Full Paramedic Members (NO PLP) - $11/month (x 2 months)
  • Associate Members (NO PLP) - $8/month (x 2 months)
  • Alumni/Retired Members (NO PLP) - $7/month (x 2 months)
  • Student Members (NO PLP) - $3/month (x 2 months)

NOTE: The OPA charges $1/member/month for expenses related to operating the Pre-Authorized Debit system through our bank.

Secondary Chapters

3) Primary Chapters

Primary Chapters must have at least 120 members. 

Primary Chapters carry the cost of Paramedic Legal Protection (PLP) at $8/month under their own policy payments.

Primary Chapters are defined as registered Not For Profit Corporations with an elected Board of Directors that operate under the authority, policy and governance models of the OPA. Primary Chapters collect their own dues, pay their own Paramedic Legal Protection (when selected), maintain their own financial records, establish their own legal requirements. The membership dues consist of Chapter Dues, OPA Dues, Paramedic Legal Protection (when selected), Paramedic Association of Canada and Canadian Paramedicine Magazine. 

Primary Chapters handle all of their own business processes.

OPTION 1 - OPA collects dues on behalf of the Primary Chapter

Primary Chapters may have the OPA collect membership dues on their behalf through the OPA’s Pre-Authorized Debit system. The OPA retains the base cost of all memberships ($12/month) except for Alumni/Retired Members (of which the full amount is remitted to the Primary Chapter). 

Primary Chapters pay the cost of Paramedic Legal Protection (PLP) at $8/month under their own policy payments. 

The OPA remits bimonthly payments to the Primary Chapter in following amounts: 

  • Full Paramedic Members (WITH PLP) - $11/month + $8/month (PLP) (x 2 months)
  • Associate Members (WITH PLP) - $8/month + $8/month (PLP) (x 2 months)
  • Alumni/Retired Members (WITH PLP) - $7/month + $8/month (PLP) (x 2 months)
  • Full Paramedic Members (NO PLP) - $11/month (x 2 months)
  • Associate Members (NO PLP) - $8/month (x 2 months)
  • Alumni/Retired Members (NO PLP) - $7/month (x 2 months)
  • Student Members (NO PLP) - $3/month (x 2 months)

NOTE: The OPA charges $1/member/month for expenses related to operating the Pre-Authorized Debit system through our bank.

OPTION 2 - Primary Chapter collects dues on behalf of the OPA

Primary Chapters may collect Membership Dues through their own Pre-Authorized Debit system. The OPA retains the base cost of all memberships ($12/month) except for Alumni/Retired Members (of which the full amount is retained by the Primary Chapter). 

Primary Chapters pay the cost of Paramedic Legal Protection (PLP) at $8/month under their own policy payments. 

The Primary Chapter then remits bimonthly payments back to the OPA in following amounts: 

  • Full Paramedic Members - $12/month (x 2 months)
  • Associate Members - $12/month (x 2 months)
  • Alumni/Retired Members - $8/month (x 2 months)
  • Student Members - $12/month (x 2 months)

NOTE: The Primary Chapter should anticipate $1/member/month for expenses related to operating their own Pre-Authorized Debit system.

Primary Chapters

Launch your chapter

If you would like to start a chapter for your region, please put together a team of 5 paramedics and contact the Ontario Paramedic Association.



Simcoe County Paramedic Association

  • 1 Dundas Street West (Suite 2500)
    Toronto ON M5G 1Z3